Video: Another Year Without a Fed’ral Contract
December 21, 2022 | Business Development, Government
Apologies to Elmo and Patsy [video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]
Bid-Winning Price Strategies
December 14, 2022 | Business Development, Government
Photo by Pixabay: There are three primary ways to position yourself to win bids with the federal government. Here’s an overview of each. 1. Do Your Research. Before finalizing your bid, benchmark your offer against publicly-available pricing data. A few of these sites include: GSAAdvantage: This site allows you to compare your pricing against those who sell similar products. In my experience, the best strategy is to apply further discounting to your competitors’ pricing. GSA eLibrary: When you can’t find information on GSAAdvantage, GSA eLibrary is a good alternative--especially when you want to compare pricing for multiple products to…
How To Find Out About Industry Days
December 7, 2022 | Business Development, Government
Photo by Jose Vazquez on Unsplash One tactic to meet government buyers and learn about the agency they serve is to attend industry days. Industry days are organized by government agencies, and they often include discussion about business opportunities and more information about the agency as a whole. Agencies also use industry days to solicit feedback from experts in the areas in which they are looking for products or services. It takes some searching to find when these events are being held and it’s rare that your company would receive a personal invitation to an industry day. Therefore, it is imperative for government…
Free Webinar TOMORROW: Selling on a GSA Schedule
November 30, 2022 | Business Development, Government
In my early years as a government contractor, my company was continually contacted by businesses wanting me to hire them to obtain a GSA Contract Schedule. We chose not to because our line of business kept us very busy. These sales pitches always included the following: Over X amount of dollars (in the billions) are bought on a GSA Schedule every year! Having a GSA Schedule will allow buyers to come to you since you will be listed on GSAAdvantage and GSAElibrary. The only thing standing between you and ultimate government contracting success is a GSA Schedule. See a theme…
When’s The Best Time To Start Your Government Business Strategy?
November 23, 2022 | Business Development, Government
Photo by Jess Bailey Designs: People have often asked me when is the best time to begin your government business strategy. My answer is always, "yesterday." They often get annoyed with this answer–and I understand why. It’s annoying and unhelpful–even if it is true! So, instead of giving you a sarcastic answer, I’ll share some data: Almost $4.5T in federal government spending was obligated in 2022 The most (27.1% of what was spent in FY22) was spent in the 4th quarter (July-Sep) The quarter with the least amount (23.9%) of activity was Q2 (January - March) This seems to…
RFQ’s and RFP’s : The First Steps to Ensuring Success
November 17, 2022 | Business Development, Government
Photo by Christina Morillo: If you want to do business with the federal government, it's critical to understand the ins and outs of RFPs. In my work with my clients, I have learned tips to make the process more efficient and effective while also learning a bit about what doesn't work. This article will share a few of these and will especially help people who have very little experience reading or responding to an RFQ/RFP Here are a few of the most important considerations. First Things First When I receive an RFP, I first search the document for two…
Determination Beats Motivation
October 26, 2022 | Business Development, Government
Photo by cottonbro: “It never gets easier. What happens is you become someone that handles hard stuff better.” - Duke Women’s Basketball Coach Kara Lawson If there were one thing I could tell my 20-year-old self, it would be this: things will never get easier, so you need to work harder at dealing with difficult things. Some people have passion and drive that are strong enough to continually motivate them to work toward their goals. Most of us, however, face challenges in staying focused--and if we want to reach our goals, we need to guard against the times when…
What NOT To Do When Launching Your Government Business Strategy
October 19, 2022 | Business Development, Government
When you’re planning to do business with the government, it’s important to focus your efforts on things that will move you forward without unnecessarily draining your resources. Here, then, are some things to avoid: 1. Companies that claim to help you register for SAM. If you search the phrase “SAM registration” you’ll find dozens of companies that will offer to help. Don’t fall for it. The only place you can register directly is Any domain name ending in “.com,” “.org,” and “.us” is not an official site. Another dead giveaway are ads, not organic search results. The government does…
Defense Health Agency Announces Competitive Plans Demonstration Project
October 12, 2022 | Business Development, Government
The Defense Health Agency (DHA) was created as a subagency of the Department of Defense in 2013. The agency's key responsibilities include managing Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) and administering TRICARE health plans. The 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) directed DHA to increase opportunities for beneficiary choice and competition, improve quality, and lower overall expenses. The legislation directs DHA to conduct pilot programs, including Competitive Plan Demonstrations (CPDs). CPDs will create contract opportunities for local providers in 23 specific market areas within the following states: Alabama California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts New Jersey North Carolina Tennessee Texas…
Make Your Government Sales “New Year’s Resolutions” Now
October 4, 2022 | Business Development, Government
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash In the world of government sales, the New Year starts on October 1. While you might be tempted to plan your government sales strategy based on a calendar year, I recommend making your “resolutions” now. You’ll have a three-month head start on your goals--and you’ll be much more likely to reach them. First, I want to disclaim that I’m not a fan of the word “resolution.” It’s defined as “a firm decision to do something,” but that doesn’t infer any commitment to action. Instead, I’m going to use the word “pledge,” which means “a solemn promise or…
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