
Mastering Time Management: Setting Boundaries for Meetings

August 9, 2023 | Business Development, Government













In today’s interconnected, fast-paced work environment, meetings often consume a significant portion of our daily schedules, leaving us less time for focused, productive work. This can be a significant time suck unless we set boundaries, optimize meeting times, and assertively communicate our value. Here are some actionable steps to streamline your schedule, ensuring your meetings are efficient, effective, and less frequent.

  1. Schedule 30-Minute Meetings: Meetings tend to expand to fill the allocated time, an occurrence known as Parkinson’s Law. For example, if a meeting is scheduled for an hour, even if the topics at hand could be handled in 30 minutes, the meeting will often stretch to fill the entire hour. This is why being mindful of how much time you allocate to tasks and meetings can be an effective way to improve productivity and efficiency. To counter this, limit your meetings to a strict 30-minute timeframe. Ensure the participants know you have a hard stop (regardless of whether you do or not). A tight schedule will force participants to prioritize essential points, reducing the temptation to delve into less critical discussions. Shorter meetings also reduce fatigue and help maintain engagement.
  2. Go Virtual: In-person meetings involve more time than the meeting itself, accounting for travel time between offices or cities and banter before and after meetings. Also, waiting for someone to arrive late at your desk instead of in their waiting room can be more productive for you. By conducting meetings virtually, you can eliminate these unnecessary time sinks. Moreover, virtual meetings can be just as effective as in-person ones, especially with the plethora of digital tools available today. One final tip about virtual meetings: encourage participants to turn on their cameras to be sure everyone is engaged. 
  3. Define the Meeting’s Purpose: Before any meeting, the organizer should clarify the meeting’s purpose and objectives. This helps attendees prepare, focusing their thoughts and contributions towards the desired outcome. Preparing an agenda can be a valuable tool to articulate the meeting’s purpose. It should outline key discussion points, assign responsibility for each point to specific individuals, and allocate an estimated timeframe for each topic. The meeting agenda should be circulated to give attendees adequate time to prepare. If you’re invited to a meeting without a clear purpose or agenda, it’s completely acceptable to request one. You could suggest handling the issue via email or chat if one isn’t provided. Not every discussion requires a formal meeting, and sometimes a quick conversation or an email exchange can save everyone time and energy.
  4. Set Expertise Boundaries: Professional expertise differentiates you or your business in the marketplace and should be treated as a valuable asset. While it’s common to share some insights or general advice, especially during initial consultations, it’s important to delineate the limit beyond which your expertise becomes a paid service. When navigating this boundary, be clear but respectful. Let potential clients know that while you’re happy to provide some initial insight, detailed advice or in-depth analysis is usually only given to paying clients. Remember, people value what they pay for. By setting and enforcing this boundary, you not only preserve the value of your expertise, but you also establish mutual respect.
  5. Establish Progression Guidelines: Business relationships often begin with exploratory meetings. While these are important, they can also become endless loops if they don’t advance toward a clear outcome, like a signed contract or a joint project. It’s essential to have guidelines that help you assess the progress of such discussions. After two or three meetings, if there’s no apparent forward motion, it may be time to tactfully assert the need for a formal agreement before proceeding. This might feel like a challenging conversation to have, but it is essential for your time management and professional boundaries. This approach respects both parties’ time and ensures that your efforts are focused on relationships moving forward.

Remember, time is your most precious resource, and no one will respect your time more than you. It’s not just about having fewer meetings, but about making your meetings more efficient and productive. This approach demands discipline and the courage to communicate assertively, but the rewards in terms of productivity and work-life balance make the effort well worth it.

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MYTH: Government agencies only do business with large businesses.

FACT: Each government agency sets goals each year on how much money they will spend with small business concerns (traditional small business, woman owned small business, minority owned small business, veteran owned small business, hubzone etc). Some agencies have set their goal to award 30% of their dollars spent to some type of small business concern.