
Seven Essential Strategies to Boost Government Sales Conversion Rates

May 17, 2024 | Business Development, Government

Image made in Canva Sales in any industry present unique challenges and opportunities. Certain strategies can give you an edge when selling to the federal government. In this article, we will explore seven proven tips for developing a successful sales strategy that stands out in this competitive landscape. 1. Find Out Who Buys What You Sell While sales are sales, a few things about sales to the Federal government are unique. One of those things is customer data is public record. So this means you can get a very good idea of which agency buys what you sell, which contracting…

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The Shortest Game Plan Newsletter to Date

March 14, 2024 | Business Development, Self Help

Image made in Canva In this world of government sales, especially in the beginning, we must ensure we cheer others on. We can’t compare our success to others' success. We all have your game plan to win. Your path to winning will be different from others.. Here’s how I generally measure my overall progress. Self-awareness is critical with all of these. Did I do my absolute best?  Was I true to myself? Did I lift others up along the way? Am I still an awesome husband and father to my family? The last one is crucial for me. If I…

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8 Ways to Improve Your Business Operations in 2024 for Better Contract Delivery

January 17, 2024 | Business Development, Government

Image made in Canva In government contracting, awards are what we want. They stand as the benchmark of success.  However, more than simply winning contracts is required; delivering on those contracts efficiently and effectively is equally crucial. I’ve seen too many companies win one and never win again. Some of this may be due to a lack of a sales strategy, but other times, they could not deliver on what they promised effectively. The back office plays a pivotal role in ensuring the successful execution of contract awards. Businesses should optimize their operations to streamline processes and enhance contract delivery.…

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Six Things To Consider Before You Bid When You Don’t Have Past Performance

November 21, 2023 | Business Development, Government

Photo by simarik on Canva Companies new to government sales face challenges when entering the space. Success in this area hinges on an astute understanding of one's competitive advantages and a systematic approach to bid preparation. Simply saying, “This is exactly what we do,” isn’t enough. This article delineates six factors to consider before submitting a government contract bid. Have you completed comprehensive competitive pricing research? A fundamental step for prospective bidders is to ascertain the competitiveness of their pricing strategy. This necessitates a comprehensive analysis of prevailing market rates and a thorough understanding of governmental budgetary constraints for similar…

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Treat Everyone as Your Customer: An Organizational Paradigm Shift

October 11, 2023 | Business Development, Communication, Self Help

Image taken from Adobe stock The notion of treating everyone as a customer began with me in 2011. Our organization deployed an employee opinion survey, and the business segment results I led were not good. On a 1-5 scale, with five being excellent, our company (more like me) received a 3.8 for “work environment,” which addressed cleanliness, equipment maintenance, having the proper equipment to do their work, and physical conditions (light, climate, and appearance). Since I was directly responsible for all of these items, it sent me a message that I was not adequately giving our employees the environment needed to…

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7 Ways to Kick Off the New Fiscal Year with a Bang: #1 Don’t Wait Until October 1st!

September 21, 2023 | Business Development, Government, Time Management

Image taken from Shutterstock As the federal fiscal year-end draws near, proactive government contractors are already gearing up for FY’24. You must plan, strategize, and be several steps ahead to hit the ground running. I have shared seven critical efforts to ensure that you're prepared and in a prime position to maximize your government sales opportunities 1. Don’t Wait until October 1: The biggest mistake many make is waiting until after the new fiscal year begins or, for that matter, waiting until November or December. Some people think because historically, it's slow for new contracts to be released on the…

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Navigating the Decline: Opportunities Amidst Small Business Challenges – 2023.09.13

September 13, 2023 | Business Development, Government

Image Taken from So, I have to say the post by Steven Koprince last week was super depressing! No offense, Mr. Koprince. I appreciate the awareness you presented of the issue of the Federal Government losing 48% of the prime small businesses since 2009. It doesn’t matter if it's a presidential election year or midterm elections; we constantly hear from all who are running about how vital small businesses are to the lifeblood of this country. Congress legislates initiatives making it easier for small businesses to access capital, tax breaks, and other programs. At the same time, the Executive…

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Selling On Your Contract Vehicle: Free Webinar 10/12/2023

September 6, 2023 | Business Development, Government

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash In my early years as a government contractor, businesses continually contacted my company, wanting me to hire them to obtain a GSA MAS Contract(often called the GSA Schedule). Our company was in the business of providing health care to Veterans. We thought about it because we could leverage our past performance and our recruiting department to provide clinical staffing to government agencies. We chose not to because our line of business kept us very busy.  These sales pitches always included the following: Over X dollars (in the billions) are bought on a GSA Schedule…

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Strengthen Your Bid By Selecting the Best Teaming Relationships

August 30, 2023 | Business Development, Government

In government contracting, one's strength often stems from individual capability and the alliances developed. In bidding scenarios, particularly in defense, construction, and the IT world, teaming relationships can significantly enhance your offer to the government and your pipeline. In contrast, it can also break the chances of securing a contract and possibly ruin your reputation. The key to successful bids often lies in carefully selecting these teaming partnerships. Below, we are going to examine how to ensure you make the best choices when it comes to your teaming partners. 1. Vet Prospective Teaming Partners Thoroughly The importance of conducting due…

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Planning For a Conference

August 23, 2023 | Business Development, Government

                    Navigating industry conferences, especially in the realm of government contracting, requires a blend of strategic planning, active participation, and timely follow-ups. Here's how to maximize your experience from start to finish. Pre-Conference Planning Ensure Key Buyers are Attending: Research the list of attendees. If the main buyers of your products or services are present, your attendance becomes even more crucial.  Secure Meetings in Advance: Identify people you want to meet or prospects you may want to target and include other team members in this search. Ask other attendees if they…

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MYTH: Companies cannot do business with the federal government if they aren’t connected politically to the party in power.

FACT: The federal government’s procurement process is designed to be one of the most objective, transparent processes in the world of business. Contracting officers are forbidden to award federal contracts based on politics. Furthermore, elected officials are forbidden to interfere with the agency’s contracting process.