
My Business Coaching Practice: How I Can Help You Succeed

September 7, 2022 | Business Development, Government

Photo by Lisha Dunlap:

I’ve observed plenty of good coaches, and some not-so-good ones, over the years both as the one being coached and the dad of kids being coached. What I’ve learned can be summarized in one simple truth: a great coach helps his players believe they’re more capable than they think and uses his or her experience to bring out their best. How they do this can vary, but it all comes down to the right balance of teaching, encouragement, and accountability.

As a business coach, this is the same approach I take with my clients. I strive to help them learn from my successes and missteps, encourage them to believe they can do great things, and hold them accountable to do the work required to meet their goals. I can’t make them do anything they’re unwilling to do, of course, but I strive to show them why the work is worth the effort–and how to make that effort as efficient and effective as possible.

When it comes to experience, I draw upon my specific expertise in several facets of government business, including

  • Propensity (Who Buys What You Sell)
  • Proposal Management
  • Price Competitiveness
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Finding and winning government contracts. 
  • Performing the work

The greatest benefit I bring to my coaching practice, however, is my experience as an owner of multiple successful businesses. As someone who has “walked the walk,” I help my clients understand what really works, and what may just be a good sound bite that doesn’t hold up in the real world.

Ultimately, here’s what I hope to share via my perspective as a business owner who just happens to be a government sales expert:

  • The opportunity to learn from my mistakes.
  • A focus on strategies as opposed to tasks. It doesn’t mean tasks won’t be required, but they always will be in support of a strategy.
  • The opportunity to learn in real-time on live projects, not hypothetical scenarios. 
  • An outside perspective and helping to see the bigger picture. As someone objective to my clients’ businesses, I share hard truths, not what I hope they want to hear.
  • Accountability: someone who can push my clients to achieve results.

In addition, I offer other tips not necessarily specific to doing business with the government, but that are nevertheless critical to long-term success, including:

  • Challenging Your Mindset
  • Improving employee engagement
  • Personal Development
  • Streamlining processes
  • Digital transformation 

At the end of the day, it all comes down to reflecting on what I’ve learned from great coaches and bringing that perspective to the world of government contracts. To learn more about how I can help you, please contact me at  [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn.

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MYTH: Companies cannot do business with the federal government if they aren’t connected politically to the party in power.

FACT: The federal government’s procurement process is designed to be one of the most objective, transparent processes in the world of business. Contracting officers are forbidden to award federal contracts based on politics. Furthermore, elected officials are forbidden to interfere with the agency’s contracting process.