
Lack of Government Sales – The Cause and the Cure

October 26, 2023 | Government

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In government contracting, many companies typically are embroiled in a seemingly endless cycle of frustration and disappointment. The problem isn’t always the lack of effort or passion.

The Problem: Blindly Responding to RFPs Falls Short

A typical approach to government contracting often involves a brute force strategy of blindly responding to RFPs listed on Companies dive headfirst into a sea of opportunities, hoping to secure contracts that will propel them to success. They meticulously prepare proposals, invest significant time and resources, and eagerly await a response. However, this approach often leads to frustration and disappointment as they usually cannot have any repeatable win formula.

The challenges that hinder government contractors from reaching their sales targets are twofold:

  1. Ineffective Value Communication: Many companies struggle to effectively communicate their value proposition in their marketing materials. They may have exceptional products or services and significant experience in these areas, but their messaging fails to resonate with government agencies. This is often because the government contractor leans too much on their socioeconomic set-aside instead of communicating their value using quantifiable metrics. This disconnect leaves potential agencies unaware of the benefits they could gain by working with these companies. I’ve often said, if you don’t effectively communicate your value to government agencies, they will view you as a startup no matter how large your organization is or how long you’ve been in business.
  2. Insufficient Qualified Opportunities: Another major issue is the lack of a sufficient number of qualified opportunities in their sales pipelines. Even if they can articulate their value, they face a shortage of viable prospects to engage with. This is because thei main source for their pipeline is But remember, only posts about ten percent of all the opportunities in the Federal government space. As a result, they find themselves investing precious time and resources in areas where the customer most likely doesn’t know the bidder. Not knowing the bidder has two issues. One, what is the likelihood you would do business with someone you never met in real life or had a conversation with? Two, coming in and bidding on something where you have no knowledge of the agency and their problems puts you at a significant disadvantage.

The Solution: The 90-Day Sales Blitz

Companies need a comprehensive and aggressive approach to overcome these challenges and chart a path to government contracting success. The 90-Day Sales Blitz is precisely that solution, designed to reinvigorate their efforts and lead them toward their sales goals. This approach strategically focuses on four essential areas:

  1. Laser-Focused Prospecting: The first pillar of the 90-Day Sales Blitz involves identifying and targeting the most promising government agencies and decision-makers. Instead of casting a wide net, companies narrow their focus to agencies that align with their offerings and have a genuine need for their products or services. This targeted approach ensures that every outreach is purposeful and meaningful.
  2. Strategic Teaming Partnerships: Collaboration is key in government contracting. The 90-Day Sales Blitz emphasizes forming strategic teaming partnerships with other businesses that complement your offerings. This allows companies to expand their capabilities and become more attractive to government agencies seeking well-rounded solutions.
  3. Effective Marketing via Value-Mapping: To bridge the gap in value communication, the 90-Day Sales Blitz introduces the concept of Value-Mapping. This involves crafting marketing materials and proposals that clearly articulate the value a company brings to the table. It’s about aligning your offerings with the specific needs and goals of government agencies, ensuring that your message resonates and drives action.
  4. Revamping Pipeline Management: A robust pipeline management system is crucial for tracking and nurturing opportunities effectively. The 90-Day Sales Blitz encourages companies to revamp their pipeline management, ensuring that qualified prospects are consistently engaged, relationships are nurtured, and sales cycles are streamlined.

The Results of the 90-Day Sales Blitz

When finished with RSM Federal’s 90-Day Sales Blitz you will:

  1. Know who buys what you sell.
  2. Understand how they buy what you sell.
  3. Have the beginnings of a teaming partners stable covering complimentary capabilities, socioeconomic categories, contract vehicles, and agency relationships.
  4. If possible, identify and engage specific small business specialists based on who buys what you sell
  5. Identify and engage specific small business specialists based on who buys what you sell
  6. Assess, identify, and attend key industry days and conferences with key objectives in mind.
  7. Possess marketing materials that communicate value through providing real metrics.
  8. Deploy a working LinkedIn strategy promoting your personal and company brand while connecting with potential government customers and teaming partners.

All of these milestones ultimately result in a pipeline full of opportunities to assist you in meeting or exceeding your sales goals.


In the world of government contracting, success is not merely a matter of effort; it’s about spending energy in the right places. The strategy of blindly responding to RFPs on can only take you so far. To truly succeed, companies must address the root causes of their struggles.

The 90-Day Sales Blitz offers a transformative approach that tackles these issues head-on. Government contractors can meet and exceed their sales targets by strategically focusing on laser-focused prospecting, strategic teaming partnerships, effective marketing via value mapping, and pipeline management. It’s a comprehensive and aggressive approach that paves the way for success in government contracting, turning frustration into fulfillment and disappointment into success.

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MYTH: Companies cannot do business with the federal government if they aren’t connected politically to the party in power.

FACT: The federal government’s procurement process is designed to be one of the most objective, transparent processes in the world of business. Contracting officers are forbidden to award federal contracts based on politics. Furthermore, elected officials are forbidden to interfere with the agency’s contracting process.