
The Skills You Need to Win with a GSA Schedule

October 2, 2024 | Uncategorized

Securing a GSA Schedule is a significant achievement for any business looking to expand in the federal market. But getting the schedule is not the end of the race, it’s the beginning. Obtaining and selling on your GSA Schedules takes a combination of skills—some of which might already have, and others that you may need to improve. If you’re serious about using your GSA Schedule to grow your business, here are the critical skills you’ll need to master.

1. Obsess Over the Details

If you’re going after a GSA Schedule, you’ve got to love the details—because this process thrives on them. From gathering documentation to filling out forms, it’s all about getting things right the first time. One missed checkbox or typo could send you back to the drawing board, delaying the entire process. But more than that, you need to ensure that everything you’re submitting aligns with GSA’s specific requirements. Think of it as laying a solid foundation—every brick needs to be perfectly in place, or the whole thing could crumble.

Bottom line: Attention to detail isn’t optional; it’s your key to the front door.

2. Think Like an Analyst

Getting on the GSA Schedule is one thing, but selling through it is where the real challenge begins. To be successful, you need to think like an analyst. That means understanding your market and the agencies you’re targeting. Who’s buying what you sell? What are their buying patterns? What are the trends? You can’t just sit back and wait for the phone to ring. You’ve got to dive into the data, look for patterns, and develop strategies that make sense. It’s not about chasing every opportunity—it’s about being smart and focused with your time.

Takeaway: Analytical thinking separates the businesses that survive from the ones that thrive.

3. You Need an Outbound Sales Strategy

Don’t believe the myth that once you’re on the GSA Schedule, the contracts will come to you. You still need to hustle. You’ve got to be proactive and have a solid outbound sales strategy. This means attending industry events, networking with contracting officers, and reaching out to potential buyers. A GSA Schedule may give you a leg up, but it’s your job to let the right people know you’re ready to deliver. The government market is competitive, and waiting for someone to find you won’t cut it. You must be out there, building relationships and positioning yourself as the go-to solution.

Pro tip: Government sales isn’t just about contracts—it’s about connections.

4. Market Yourself Like a Pro

Selling through a GSA Schedule isn’t just about submitting bids—it’s about marketing yourself effectively. Federal buyers have countless vendors to choose from, and you must stand out. This means you’ve got to be a great marketer. Your website should communicate your value proposition. Your GSA Advantage and Elibrary profile should be accurate. More importantly, when you pitch yourself to agencies, you need to highlight the value you bring and how your solutions align with their specific needs. Use metrics too! Marketing isn’t just for the commercial world—government buyers respond to it, too.

Remember: If you’re not standing out, you’re blending in—and that’s not what wins contracts.

5. Be Open to Teaming

In the government space, going it alone isn’t always the best option. One of the smartest moves you can make is to team up with other businesses. Whether it’s partnering with a prime contractor or forming a joint venture, teaming gives you access to bigger opportunities and allows you to leverage other companies’ strengths. The government loves solutions, and if teaming helps you deliver more comprehensive services, you’ll be better positioned to win contracts. Having a GSA Schedule could give you an advantage to offer unique solutions with you having the contract vehicle and a subcontractor providing the specialty service.

Here’s the deal: Teaming isn’t about giving away a piece of the pie—it’s about making the pie bigger.

6. Stay Flexible and Persistent

This isn’t an overnight success game. The government’s buying cycle can be long and, at times, frustrating. Flexibility and persistence are key. If your first few bids don’t hit, don’t be discouraged. Adjust your approach, ask for informal feedback from the contracting officer, learn from your mistakes, and keep going. It takes time to build momentum, but once you’re in, the opportunities are massive. Be ready to pivot, adapt, and keep pushing forward. The winners are the ones who stick with it when others give up.

The lesson here: Patience and persistence pay off, especially in government sales.

7. Master Compliance

Let’s not forget about compliance. Once you’re on the GSA Schedule, you need to stay there, which means following all the rules. GSA has strict requirements, from pricing to reporting, and keeping up with them is non-negotiable. You don’t want to get tripped up by a compliance issue that could have been avoided. I’ve seen contractors lose their schedule because of their lack of compliance. Stay informed, keep your pricing competitive, and make sure you’re fulfilling all your obligations.

Compliance tip: If you’re unsure, ask. Don’t guess—your GSA contract is too valuable to lose over a misunderstanding.

Final Thoughts

Selling through a GSA Schedule isn’t for the faint of heart, but if you’ve got the right skills and are willing to put in the work, it’s one of the most powerful tools you can use to grow your business in the federal space. Stay detail-oriented, think strategically, market yourself, and be ready to adapt. With the right approach, the GSA Schedule can open doors to long-term success. One last thought. You may not possess all of the skills above. That’s the beauty of the team. Each member compliments the other with skills. Leverage others skills to make the team stronger than any one person.

If you’re serious about getting on the GSA Schedule and want to understand exactly what it takes, I’m partnering with Govology this Thursday, October 3rd at 1 PM to present the webinar “Your Step By Step Process to Becoming a GSA Schedule Holder.” This session will walk you through the entire submission process and show just how involved a successful submission can be. But more importantly, we’ll touch on why the GSA Schedule is just another tool in your sales toolbox—it still requires a strong, focused strategy to see real success.

You can register for the webinar here. If you’re ready to take that next step, this is the place to start!

The question is: Are you ready?

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MYTH: Providing goods and services to the government means you have to wait forever to get paid.

FACT: Many government contracts are subject to the Prompt Payment Act which was enacted to ensure the federal government makes timely payments. Bills are to be paid within 30 days after receipt and acceptance of goods/services or after receipt of an invoice whichever is last. If a timely payment is not made, interest should be automatically paid.