
Our Independence: A Byproduct of Great Leadership

July 3, 2015 | Leadership

Photo by Wendy on Flickr

We all remember the stories from our US History classes about Paul Revere, Johnny Tremain, Patrick Henry, and George Washington. All of their words and actions were inspiration to lead 13 British Colonies to become their own independent nation. Democracy was quite the experiment in those days as most established governments had some sort of monarchy and/or class system. The courage and vision that our founding fathers possessed, I hope, is never forgotten.

We have had great leaders since the birth of our country and I am sure we will have many more. On the eve of July 4th, 2015, let us all make a commitment to choose great leaders to lead our nation and once chosen by the public give them our support. Support does not always mean agreeing with someone’s position. I am sure even George Washington had people who disagreed with him.

We wish everyone a Happy, Safe 4th of July Holiday!

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