Growing Your Government Sales through Federal Access Advisor Group Coaching
March 1, 2024 | Uncategorized
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For about two years now, I have been a Certified Government Sales Coach through RSM Federal. Collectively, RSM Federal and our team of coaches have helped over 2000 companies win over 14 billion dollars worth of government contracts. I personally have over 20 years of experience in government contracting including spending the first 10 years of that time either owning or working for a company that was a prime contractor. As a team, our coaches at a minimum possess 20 years of government contracting experience.
The Difference
A main differentiator between us and others that work in our market is that all of us own and are successful at our own businesses. In order to be a coach, we have to own our own business. We balance our understanding of government sales with our understanding of how business works through our experience in both.
Federal Access Advisor
RSM Federal’s flagship service, Federal Access, offers two main options: group coaching and one-on-one coaching. In this article, I am going to discuss our new group coaching model, Federal Access Advisor, because it addresses the need for affordable, consistent support and guidance.
Federal Access Advisor is a simple program built around three phases of growth, each with different pillars. The program has a total of seven pillars that we focus on. It starts with online education and training, including strategy guides, templates, and training videos.
The Seven Pillars
The program covers seven pillars, organized into three main phases:
- Phase 1: Your Foundation
- Phase 2: Your Marketing and Strategy
- Phase 3: Your Execution
The goal is to spend a short time in the foundation phase and then move into marketing strategy and execution. The sooner you start executing, the sooner you’ll fill your pipeline.
The pillars in each phase cover various aspects of government contracting. The foundation phase includes getting started tasks, government websites and tools, and market research. The marketing and strategy phase focuses on differentiation, value mapping, marketing conferences, and sales action planning. The execution phase covers business development, teaming, proposal management, and post-award processes.
The group coaching model is designed to help you win contracts faster. It provides weekly support, collaboration, and Q&A sessions. The program also evolves over time with new webinars, training videos, and components.
Group Coaching Sessions
Starting next week, every Wednesday, we will begin those weekly coaching sessions. These sessions are called our Inner Circle and will be focused on one of the pillars. We discuss a topic, answer questions, and provide an open forum for sharing ideas and collaboration. The group environment is supportive and collaborative, with no competition or secrecy.
I’ve often cited the reason for my success in business as the community in which I surround myself. We aim to create that as we believe that more can be accomplished when learning and exploring ideas as a group as opposed to individually.
What’s Next
To sign up, please visit my coaching page below:
If you sign up before March 31st, I will provide you with a free strategy session to help you get started.
What barriers are stopping you from signing up for this or any other sales accelerator like group coaching?
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